Car bleg

Fit – Windmill (from Puddle City Racing Lights)
Perfect Fit – Laurel Music (from This Night and the Next)

So I’m thinking about buying a new car. This is a pretty major deal since I’ve been driving the same Dodge Caravan for about 12 years now. And while I love the old minivan, the recognition of rising gas prices and the initial investment required to buy a car designed for a family leads me to believe I really ought to buy a nice little fuel-efficient car.

I think I’ve settled on the Honda Fit. It gets great reviews, good gas mileage, is among the cheaper options out there, and apparently has the coolest folding back seat in the world which actually produces some reasonably good storage space for a small car.

The question I have for you, gentle blog-readers, is this: do you have any experience, positive or negative, with the Fit? Is it a good choice? Should I be considering something else?

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4 Responses to Car bleg

  1. aimi says:

    A couple of my friends have the Honda Fit and love it. We took a road trip in one of them once and it was great. Gas was cheap and something about the shape of the car makes you feel sort of like you are inside of a peaceful bubble. Lots of room and comfortable seats and all around goodness. One thing I thought was cool was the little cord for your iPod to connect to the stereo.

  2. catharene says:

    well, first off, the fit really is go. cheesy, perhaps but i have one and i absolutely love it. i could not recommend it any higher.

  3. Charles says:

    Thanks! I bought one and love it.

    • Andrew says:

      It seems I’m quite late to this discussion, but yes, the Fit is awesome. I very nearly bought one a couple years ago.

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