You won’t even know who I am

3D – Internet Forever

My theory is that for every sound there is another, equal and opposite, which lives somewhere just beyond the edge of perception. And that if you added up all those sounds that dwell just past the place where the mind can comprehend and turned them into a song, this is what you would hear.

The music doesn’t stand out in any traditional sense. There’s that intimate lo-fi feel, but they don’t quite dive into your bedroom in the way the best of the genre does. Similarly, there’s a raggedness that surrounds you, but doesn’t quite achieve the brilliant white noise effect that you might get from, say, Times New Viking.

But that is as it should be. It wouldn’t feel right if you didn’t keep sensing that the last piece was almost close enough to touch, but just around some imperceptible aural corner in your mind. Because this is the sound of a world that doesn’t quite fit. Or rather, this is what it sounds like to realize that the human mind – brilliant and astonishing though it is – only lets us tap into a vanishingly small amount of the universe around us.

We are so severely limited in the range of waves that make up visible (to us) light. What our ears can puzzle out we call sound, but in reality it’s only an incredibly tiny portion of the possible range of frequencies. We look at the stars and build telescopes that can see 14 billion years back in time and across space – and yet the universe is so much larger than this. The speed of light imposes an absolute boundary on what we can ever know. Out there could be different basic laws of physics, planets identical to our own, things that defy any hope of imagination. But they are forever and infinitely locked away from us.

And yet, still we dream and hope, and try to learn as much as we can.

To listen to Internet Forever is to remind yourself of just how much more there is out there – how much we will simply never see or understand. And it is to realize how this can be both beautiful and sad at the same time.

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