50 songs for 50 states: Connecticut

A musical celebration of the 50 states. One song each week over the course of the year.

So…Connecticut. There sure aren’t many songs about it. But at least it lets us finally answer the classic question: when faced with the choice of an average Ben Folds song and an average Superchunk song, which do you go with?

On second thought, that’s not a question that leaves much room for doubt, is it?

Anyways, this is nowhere near the best song from them, but it’s perfectly serviceable. And perfectly serviceable Superchunk is still pretty darn good.

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2 Responses to 50 songs for 50 states: Connecticut

  1. Mikaela says:

    wait, what’s the Ben Folds song??

  2. olneyce says:

    “Kylie From Connecticut”

    It’s a super-average Ben Folds song.

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